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Top 5 Games that need to be announced NOW!

June 20, 2011

There is always those few games which hold a special spot in our heart and just beg us to play their sequels.  What happens if these sequels are not announced?  I mean we expect them to be made one day but years and years go by and we don’t get them; What’s the deal!

This is NGR’s list of Top 5 Games that need to be announced NOW!

5) Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake was a story driven, psychological thriller. Can we expect the same from its sequel?


Probability of happening: (90%)
The First Alan Wake game came out in May 2010 and a sequel was announced but E3 has passed and gone we have heard nothing!  Alan Wake met pretty good reviews and sold pretty well so Remedy Entertainment probably will role out Alan Wake 2 sooner than we think.

4) Assassin’s Creed 3

For some reason I feel like I have already played Revelations. I think it's time for a new Assassin, new setting and a new experience.











Probability of happening: (95%)
Ill admit, when Assassin’s Creed Revelations was announced a few weeks ago, I was feeling a little betrayed.  The series that had birthed 6 years ago at the start of the generation was slowly and slowly becoming more of a cash cow.  First we had Brotherhood and now Revelations, when will the madness end?

The Assassin’s Creed franchise is one of Ubisofts biggest grossing franchises so it makes sense that they would finish off there trilogy with Assassins Creed 3 (However I expect more spin-offs and “expansions”)


3) Grand Theft Auto 5

Looks awesome right? It might be a fake but I still hope that GTA 5 can offer me the same level of gaming that its predecessor did.












Probability of happening: (70%)
Grand Theft Auto has almost become a household name.  Grand Theft Auto 4 came out in 2008 and was a humongous hit.  It made lots of money, got decent reviews and kept gamers entertained for hours and hours as they played through GTA’s intense single player (hooker bashing anyone?) and it’s multiplayer.

GTA 5 has been rumoured for years and tons of fake images have shown themselves all over the internet but Rockstar has taken it’s time before bringing back its behemoth franchise.


2) God of War 4

OK guys, we don't want to piss of Kratos, so just announce GOW4 already...please?














Probability of happening: (50%)
Games like God of War 3 was one of the many reasons that the PS3 has sold so well the past couple years.  David Jaffe’s vision of the God of War saga started in 2005 when the first game was released.  The series has gone on to spawn 2 sequels, an HD collection and 2 PSP games. (Which are to be released on the PS3 as GOW: Origins) Each game feels unique and really showcases the power of the PS3 and PSP.  God of War 3 was released in 2010 and was a huge hit, winning multiple Game-of-the-Year awards.  The developers have previously stated that GOW3 would be the last game on the PS3 but that ending left a lot of doubts, amirite?


1) Jak 4

We have had three awesome Jak games and the spinoff Jak X racing. (lets just forget about the Lost Frontier) So can we please have Jak 4 made by Naughty Dog!













Probability of happening: (25%)
I really thought that a few months ago we would be seeing a Jak 4 announcement instead of Uncharted 3.  Naughty Dog is an awesome company filled with some talented developers and I really hoped that after Uncharted 2 they would go back to the Jak series and finish it off with a BANG!  I suppose that the Uncharted Franchise is their best selling (albeit the best received) work that they have created, but is it really that much to ask to go back to their gem Jak and Daxter?!

And please, Naughty Dog don’t give the franchise up like you did Crash Bandicoot (Crash games suck now), High Impact games ruined my fond memories of Jak and Daxter with their Lost Frontier game which honestly really hurt the franchise’s credibility.

I just want a Jak game by Naughty Dog!


Honourable Mentions
Tomba 3
Warcraft 4
WarDevil (Project Kane)

6 Comments leave one →
  1. June 20, 2011 11:47 PM


    • June 21, 2011 11:37 AM

      I only want a Spyro game if it is made by Insomniac. Its like Crash, the new games just stink 😦

  2. doa766 permalink
    June 21, 2011 8:49 AM

    bad choices, these are some good ones:

    1 half life 3
    2 shemue 3
    3 metal gear solid 5
    4 the getaway 3
    5 heavenly sword 2

  3. boromir permalink
    June 21, 2011 11:15 AM

    Kingdom Heart 3 is my top game although was surprised by Jak 4 which I also really love…it was the first PS2 game I had that I really loved and was all around just a great game,perhaps Naughty Dog has commissioned someone to make Jak 4 just like Sucker Punch dide for Sly 4 …but still KH3 needs to happen because Square is truly sucking recently. I am tired of spinoffs on consoles I dont even want to buy…give me a trailer for 3…it’s been years and NOTHING…there better be PIxar worlds in there too!


  1. What Naughty Dog needs to do after Uncharted 3 « Next Generation Reviews (NGR)

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